Shropshire Star

Uniquely curved row of shops and flats in Telford to go under the hammer

A distinctively curved row of shops and homes in Telford is going up for auction - and it's cheap as chips.

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The Parade in Donnington is set to go under the hammer

The Parade in Donnington is a familiar sight for many, with its unique curved row of maisonettes sat upon shops.

The stretch was built to be the town centre of a housing development that began in the late 1930s when the War Office bought up a large part of Donnington to house those working at the new military depot.

And now, the whole thing could soon have a new landlord, as it goes under the hammer later this month.

In total, there are 14 residential properties and fifteen commercial units included in the sale - with a mix of leasehold and freehold titles to get your head around. And it's all listed with a guide price of just £150,000.