Shropshire Star

Newport homeowner wins permission to build new house after appeal

A homeowner has been given the green light to build a new house after winning an appeal.


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Andrew Holland wanted to make the changes to the property in Strine Way, Newport, that would see alterations to the existing access following demolition of a garage.

However, Telford & Wrekin Council turned down the proposal after deeming that it would fail to be in keeping with the prevailing character and appearance of the surrounding area.

This, according to the local authority, includes having a "significantly detrimental harm" to a neighbouring property in Mere Close.

Some residents in Strine Way also stated their objections, with Stuart Johnson saying there would be stress and anxiety caused during the construction phase. He added that there would be disruption to wildlife in the immediate area, an added strain to the sewerage system, extra vehicle movement, and possible future works due to the possibility of flooding.

However, planning inspectorate Elaine Moulton has ruled in favour of the proposal after Mr Holland appealed the decision.

"Overall, I consider that the proposal would not appear contrived or incongruous within the street scene," she said.

"Notwithstanding the absence of a road frontage, the proposal would assimilate into its surrounds and represent an acceptable form of development.

"Therefore, I conclude that the proposed development would not harm the character and appearance of the area and would accord with policies BE1 of the Local Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework which require, amongst other things, that development has regard to the character and appearance of its location."

Several conditions have been attached, one of which is that work has to begin no later than three years from the date of the decision.