Shropshire Star

The county needs more homes - says Shropshire housebuilders

Shropshire housebuilders say the county needs more homes to fulfil demands.


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The council has revealed news from their partners Cornovii Homes Ltd who have said that people in the county are aspiring to own their own homes and that they 'recognise the need for more properties to be built'.

The insight comes after people visited the the Shropshire housebuilders' stand at the Shrewsbury Food Festival where the company sponsored the Homes and Gardens attraction.

Senior technical manager, Simon Hodgetts, and sales and aftercare manager Debbie Hancox represented Cornovii Homes Ltd at the festival, and listened to the thoughts of aspiring homeowners.

Debbie said: "We had a number of visitors to our stand throughout the course of the festival and we took the opportunity to talk to them and find out what people’s real thoughts are on the housing market in Shropshire.

"The big takeaway, which wasn't really a surprise, is that most people still aspire to owning their own home outright, but there was also an acceptance that that is increasingly difficult and they welcomed the opportunities opened up through shared ownership programmes.

"There was also enthusiasm for our policy of identifying brownfield sites which are more sympathetically received by the public as potential areas for development.

"We have successfully completed two sites on former brownfield sites, in Shrewsbury and in Ellesmere, and we are currently developing the former Oakland Primary School site in Bayston Hill to offer much needed properties under the name of The Oaklands.

"Attending the food festival was an excellent opportunity for us to meet prospective new customers, talk to people generally about their perception of the housing market and market needs. It gave us great insight and demonstrated that our ambitions are in-tune with what people want in the county."

Simon Hodgetts and Debbie Hancox representing Cornovii Homes at the Shrewsbury Food Festival

The Oaklands will comprise of two one-bedroom bungalows, seven semi-detached, two-bedroom homes - including a pair of two-bedroom bungalows - 12 semi-detached, three-bedroom houses, and two four-bedroom properties - one of which will be detached.

Each home will benefit from solar panels, electric vehicle charging points, and air source heat pumps.

Cornovii Developments Limited - who are owned by Shropshire Council and seek provide affordable homes to local buyers and those looking to relocate - is also paying a £75,000 contribution to improve sports facilities in the village.

The company will also create two areas of open public space and two affordable homes under their agreement with the council.

Shropshire Council Cabinet member for housing and assets, Dean Carroll, said: "Cornovii Homes is leading the way in delivering innovative, sustainable, affordable homes for local people.

"There is a commitment to make good use of brownfield sites and constructing well-designed, energy efficient homes which appeal to local communities."