This six-bladed drone can fly in any direction

It’s one of the latest innovations in drone technology.


Meet Voliro, the ultimate drone.

The unmanned hexacopter features six blades and can tilt in any direction to provide a more stable and varied picture.

Developed by a group of students at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and Zurich University of the Arts over nine months, it is still a prototype – but it’s not hard to see that it could be a game-changer if released to market.

Because of its ability to move in any orientation, it can tilt vertically and well as horizontally – a mechanism which regular drones do not have.

Future plans for the aerial machine include attaching a sphere to allow it to roll in any direction when not in flight.

However, it does look fairly complicated to operate.

Drones have taken flight in popularity in recent years as they have become more affordable, and forecasts suggest the global drone market could be worth almost £75 billion by 2025, according to aerospace industry analysts Teal Group.