Shropshire Star

This is the sad tale of the robot that drowned itself

Who knew you could feel such sympathy for a machine?


You would be forgiven for assuming that robots are cold, heartless beings. However, this incident involving a security robot might make you rethink all your past preconceptions.

Yesterday a robot in a Washington DC shopping centre somehow found its way to an indoor pool and fell in.

You might say it was merely an accident, but many see it as so much more.

Was the robot trying to end it all? Is this the first widely publicised example of a suicidal robot?

The robot involved is reportedly a model by Knightscope, a company which manufactures autonomous security robots that patrol places like shopping malls.

It’s also got everyone speculating over the circumstances leading up to the incident.

Maybe this was the robot’s cry for help that no one could hear before it was too late?