Alastair Campbell makes ‘frank’ BBC documentary on depression
The film will also see his ‘depression through the eyes of family members’.

Ex-spin doctor Alastair Campbell will look at whether “radical new treatments” can stop his depression in a new BBC Two film.
Tony Blair’s former spokesman has made Depression And Me after experiencing crippling bouts of depression for most of his life.
He said: “I’ve been on antidepressants for years and years and none of them can stop it.
“I want to understand my depression and find out if modern science has any better ways of treating it. I’m hoping there’s something out there that can help me lead a happier life.”

Campbell said: “I feel we are nearing a tipping point in the battle to demolish the stigma and taboo surrounding mental illness.”
But he said: “My worry is that we are winning the battle for better awareness but losing the battle for the services we need.”
He added: “One film alone cannot change the world but there is finally the focus on these issues that we need and hopefully one day we will have services to match.”

Campbell said he wanted to “get out there” to see what progress had been made in science and research.
BBC Two controller Patrick Holland said of the programme: “This is a subject that affects families across the UK, and I would like to thank Alastair for this frank and important exploration of the impact of mental health conditions on us all.”