Shropshire Star

Robot rings the closing bell at New York Stock Exchange

It’s the first time the task has been carried out by someone non-human.

The New York Stock Exchange welcomes ROBO Global

The closing bell at the New York Stock Exchange was a little different on Wednesday as a robot took the helm instead of a human.

Universal Robots’s UR5e robot arm took on the prestigious task, marking a new chapter in the history of intelligent machines.

UR5e is known as a cobot – a collaborative robot – because of its ability to work alongside people without any safety guarding.

The event comes days after another momentous occasion in robotics across the pond, with a robot answering questions from the Education Select Committee.

Pepper the robot appeared before MPs to talk about the role of technology in the classroom.

A dog-like robot was also shown off by Boston Dynamics earlier this week, with the SpotMini dancing to Mark Ronson’s Uptown Funk ft. Bruno Mars.