Telford council's apology as Jiggers Bank stays shut
Council chiefs today apologised after revealing that one of the main roads into the Ironbridge Gorge is unlikely to reopen before June following a landslide.
An emergency closure of Jiggers Bank took place after a rock fall in November 2012 following a period of wet and cold weather. This was followed by further rockfalls in subsequent days.
Plans have now been drawn up to stabilise the rock face by creating a more gradual slope and securing the rock with netting and rock bolting in precarious areas.
But due to the scale of works that are needed the road will remain closed until June 2013.
Councillor Hilda Rhodes, Telford & Wrekin Council cabinet member for transport and community protection, said: "I would like to apologise to residents in the Ironbridge Gorge for the disruption that all these necessary works are causing.
"We completely understand the urgency to get Jiggers Bank reopened as soon as practically possible but we are faced with a unique and serious situation in terms of devising a sustainable solution to secure the rockface.
"I hope residents understand the necessity of us taking our time to get it right and that a quick fix could only make the situation worse. The safety of road users is our top priority.
"Every effort is being made to reduce the length of this closure. I would ask people to be patient and thank them for their understanding while this is put in place and a proper process gone through."
Since the closure in November, engineers have carried out emergency safety works, surveys and ground investigation works to provide information for a design to stabilise the rockface.
The proposed solution will include regrading the rock face, earthworks, installing netting and anchors and landscaping of the site.
Before work can start, negotiations have to be carried out with landowners on the design and delivery of the scheme.
Work is also due to start this month in Church Hill, Ironbridge, to stabilise the highway. This work is expected to take about three months to complete under a full road closure.
Pedestrian access will be maintained to the adjacent properties. The start of the Church Hill work has been delayed by the recent ice and snow.
The public are invited to the second drop-in session today at Jackfield Village Hall between 2pm and 8pm to get updates on the project.