Telford railway station's £7 million bridge project due to be approved

Multi-million pound plans to replace a footbridge linking Telford's railway station to the town centre are expected to move forward next week.


The scheme is expected to cost about £7 million and will be funded by the Department for Transport.

Telford & Wrekin Council's planning committee will meet on Wednesday to discuss the proposals, which have been recommended by officers to get the go-ahead subject to conditions being met.

The existing foot and cycle bridge spans two lines of railway, the A442 and Rampart Way, which is part of the A5.

But it is steep and does not meet laws that require pathways to be accessible to the disabled.

A report to the planning committee says the existing footbridge is in "poor condition" and the plans for the new bridge would "reduce future maintenance costs and liabilities while enhancing the structure as a gateway to Telford".

The replacement bridge will be constructed alongside the existing one, which will remain in use until the new structure has been completed.

According to the report, the construction of the new bridge will require a two-week closure of the northbound A442.

The report also states: "Demolition of the existing bridge will also be done by crane and would require road closures on both sides of the A442 and on Rampart Way.

The existing footbridge at the station

"These are anticipated to be night-time closures, and are likely to take place at the end of the construction period in February or March 2018."

Officers have said that some disruption to the highways network is likely to occur during the construction period, however, a transport management strategy has been submitted providing alternative routes and has been considered "acceptable".

Speaking about the design of the bridge, the report reads: "The proposed bridge has essentially been separated into two parts, comprising a shorter bridge spanning the railway line and a longer bridge spanning the A442 and widened Rampart Way.

"Both bridges will adjoin a central landing area.

"Access at the north east station side will be enhanced in the form of lifts from both platforms, fully DDA compliant ramps and steps and as at present, the south west side will connect seamlessly to the existing footpath linking with Ironmasters Way."

Public drop-in sessions were held earlier this year, when people were able to see the designs for the bridge.

Telford & Wrekin Council's planning committee will meet at Telford's Whitehouse Hotel todiscuss the plans which is meets at Telford's Whitehouse Hotel.