Shropshire Star

Shropshire and Mid Wales roundabouts that are verging on ridiculous

While waist-high grass wafting gently in the breeze may look pretty to passers-by, it is causing a headache for motorists using Shropshire’s roads.

This van is barely visible on a Telford roundabout

With reduced visibility, many are concerned they will soon cause a serious accident.

Roundabouts in Oswestry, Shrewsbury, Telford and Powys have been left unkempt and verges at junctions uncut.

Sundorne Roundabout in Shrewsbury has attracted widespread criticism with a number of people saying that it is now impossible to see signs to Newport and it looks nothing more than an overgrown hill.

Ketley Brook Roundabout in Telford has also been criticised for having reduced visibility for motorists.

Grass is waist-high on the roundabout near Tesco, Telford heading towards the M54/A5

But action is now being taken and motorists will once again be able to travel without hindrance.

Powys County Council workers have been brought in to trim the grasses on A roads this week at the roads’ junctions and in laybys.

The full cut of these verges will start the week beginning July 9.

Work to cut grasses on B, C and unclassified roads will start next week across the county and will be carried out by a contractor.

Action is now being taken to cut back overgrown verges

John Evans, communications manager for Powys County Council, said: “All of the grass verges on the county’s rural roads network will be monitored during routine Highway inspections and any junctions, laybys et cetera that need additional safety cuts will be scheduled and carried out by Powys County Council staff.

“Powys county urban verges, which are inside 40mph or less speed limit zones, are programmed for four cuts a year and the second cut has just started.”

Russell Griffin, spokesman for Telford & Wrekin Council said: “As part of our Pride In Our Community programme, we have varying grass cutting frequencies from 14 times down to once and this depends on road location. Housing estate roads are cut 14 times, key arterial routes have a linear verge cut 14 times but the wider verges blending in to the tree belts will be four times.

Roundabout near Tesco, Telford heading towards M54/A5

“Around the town, we maintain some verges with one or two cuts a year where there are wildflowers and orchids but will always maintain visibility splays.

“Any reports of hazardous junctions will be investigated and acted on immediately.”

Victoria Lazenb, from Highways England, said: “We have teams out grass cutting across the road network and always maintain roundabouts to make sure there are no visibility issues. We have carried out cutting on the verges surrounding the Gledrid roundabout and will return to carry out a full cut in the next few weeks.”

Shropshire Council was not available for comment.