Shropshire Star

Shropshire Council defends parking warden in bus ticket row

Shropshire Council has defended the actions of a parking warden who slapped a ticket on a bus while it was waiting at a scheduled stop.

A stock photo of a bus

The Arriva bus was fined for parking outside Ludlow Assembly Rooms on Mill Street earlier this month.

It is understood the driver stepped off momentarily to take an authorised comfort break before setting back off along the Ludlow to Knighton route.

However, while he was away from his vehicle, a Shropshire Council civil enforcement officer put a penalty charge notice on the windscreen of the bus.

Last week Arriva said it would appeal the fine, but now the council has said the officer was well within his rights.

A Shropshire Council spokesman said: “Enforcement officers have seen an increase in the use of these stops as a parking bay, with one bus driver taking a lunch break for in excess of 30 minutes while parked outside the Assembly Rooms.

The bus stops are in use by three bus companies and so any parked bus can cause an unnecessary obstruction causing other buses to disembark passengers onto the road potentially endangering them and other road users.”

The council has been in contact with the three bus service providers and has agreed a way forward.

Buses will now only be allowed to stay for a maximum of 15 minutes at scheduled stops and stands. The spokesman added: “For any longer parking needs, for example for a bus driver to take his lunch, they will park in Smithfield car park free of change. This will minimise any unnecessary obstructions and reduce any congestion while still providing drivers with the opportunity to use the stops for a convenience break.”

But Councillor Andy Boddington said the authority needs to move away from an “enforcement first and solutions later” policy.

He added: “What puzzles me is that Shropshire Council decided to slap a ticket on a bus rather that sort out a solution with the bus service parking in the first place.”