Shropshire Star

Search is on to find best bus driver

A bus driver from Shrewsbury has been shortlisted to win the prestigious ‘Driver of the Year’ accolade where drivers from across the country will go head to head to win the annual award presented by Arriva.

Christopher Price

Christopher Price's nomination comes after Arriva launched a regional search asking customers to nominate a driver who has demonstrated outstanding customer care.

Following the regional search, 49-year-old Chris, who has been at the company for almost 14 years, will now compete against other Arriva bus drivers to win the distinguished title of ‘Driver of the Year’.

The award, which will be presented at a gala dinner in April, is given as part of Arriva’s annual ‘Made a Difference’ Awards, and is presented to those in recognition of their dedication and willingness to go the extra mile over the course of the last 12 months.

Chris has been nominated for his polite demeanour, helpfulness to his elderly passengers and general sunny disposition.

Chris said: “I would like to thank everyone who voted for me, your nominations mean a great deal to me and I feel honoured to have got this far. I work with a lot of great drivers so it’s a real privilege to see that my passengers have noticed all of the hard work I put into the job.”

Cora Woodhouse, marketing director added: “We strive to deliver excellent customer service, therefore, it is important to us that we make sure those staff members that are going above and beyond are being recognised and rewarded.

“Once again, it has been great to see the outstanding number of nominations we received, we thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the positive efforts from our bus drivers, and we have appreciated hearing the views of our customers.”

The public vote closes on March 18. To vote, go to