Shropshire Star

Fee-dodging Telford hospital visitors 'blocking driveways on nearby streets'

Visitors to Telford’s Princess Royal Hospital who park on nearby streets to avoid charges are blocking residents’ driveways, according to a parish council report.

Kingfisher Way. Photo: Google StreetView.

One fee-dodging driver “intimidated and abused” one householder and accused her of vandalising their car when she challenged them, it said.

The report, which was prepared for Hadley and Leegomery Parish Council’s finance and general purposes committee says “it is possible that other residents are experiencing similar problems” on Kingfisher Way, just south-east of the hospital.

It said that, since the committee last met on Tuesday, October 15, “a complaint was received via telephone from a resident of Apley regarding vehicles being left parked across a driveway.

“Residents of Kingfisher Way have suffered as a result of hospital visitors parking on the road to avoid parking charges at the Princess Royal Hospital.”

Visitors can park at the PRH for up to 20 minutes free of charge, but a two-hour ticket costs £3 and all-day parking costs £8.


“Parking restrictions were imposed on the roads closest to the hospital in 2016,” the report adds.

“However, the restrictions do not apply to private driveways and people visiting the hospital regularly park and obstruct these.

“The resident has informed people that the drive is private. She has been accused of slashing tyres or causing other damage and has suffered from intimidation and abuse.

“The complainant was advised that the parish council is unable to assist directly and that, because the drive is on private property, it is unlikely Telford and Wrekin Council will be able to act.

“It was suggested that any future incidents of intimidation and abuse should be reported to the police by ringing 101, as this will enable a record of incidents to be compiled which may lead to preventative action by the police.”

The complainant agreed for parish staff to pass her concern on to borough councillor Karen Blundell, who represents Apley Castle, “as it is possible that other residents are experiencing similar problems and may have contacted the ward member regarding this issue”.

The report also informed parish councillors of a complaint about builders’ vehicles parking on a grassed area at the junction of Pool Meadow and Church Street, Hadley, and litter bins going unemptied near the play area on Okehampton Road, Leegomery.