Shropshire Star

New bus passes will track individual students

Powys students using the home to school transport service have been issued with a new bus pass to be used from September 2021 onwards.

Cllr Aled Davies

The new, QR coded individual bus passes will accurately record, in real time, each indivdual's use of their designated school transport routes. This will ensure Powys County Council have an accurate record of individual learners on any bus, at any time, to conform with Track, Trace and Protect purposes.

Councillor Aled Davies, Cabinet Member for Transport said that the Covid 19 pandemic had affected all aspects of everyday life.

"However detrimental the effects of this crisis have been, some of the positive outcomes have meant that organisations, such as the council, have had the opportunity to accelerate changes for more efficient and safer ways of working, such as introducing new Powys school bus passes.

"Being able to quickly and accurately ascertain which pupils are using each bus or other modes of home to school transport at any one time, ensures we can keep pupils and staff safe in the event of any further outbreaks of coronavirus or other infections or situations in the future.

He said the introduction of the new Powys bus passes did not mean that there would be a change in the home to school transport service currently being provided.

“Powys has the most extensive home to school transport service in all of Wales” Councillor Davies said.

“The past year has proven tough for us all. But for the schools and the home to school transport teams, ensuring the safety off all our learners whilst complying Covid 19 and Track, Trace and Protect regulations, has been a real challenge.

“We are delighted to be able to introduce these new and innovative bus passes for all our learners. They are already proving popular and an example of good practice, and the hope is that the concept will be rolled out across the country soon, with other Welsh local authorities following in our footsteps.

“We do understand that adapting to changes can be daunting, but the safety of our pupils and staff is paramount, and we thank the schools, transport providers, parents and learners for their support in implementing these new passes in such a short timescale.”

For more information about the new Powys school bus passes,

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