Multi-million pound M54 and M6 link road plan is agreed

The Secretary of State for Transport has granted consent for a new link road between the M54 and M6.

Last updated

The £200 million scheme which has been years in the planning is located between M54 Junction 1 and M6 Junction 11 adjacent to the town of Featherstone.

The new dual carriageway road between M54 Junction 1 and M6 Junction 11 should reduce congestion on local roads especially the A460 and A449.

A totally new junction one will be built on the M54 junction to provide direct links to and from the M54 and the new link road and the local routes.

Hilton Lane will need to be realigned over the new link road and a new junction will be created at M6 Junction 11 increasing capacity and a new link to Mill Lane.

Due to the size of the project the Planning Inspectorate recognised there would be a need for compulsory purchase orders on land where the link road will be built.

Writing the report Robert Jackson said: “We have considered the case for Compulsory Acquisition (CA) and Temporary Possession (TP) of land and rights in order to implement the Proposed Development and are satisfied that the CA and TP powers sought by the Applicant are justified and should be granted.

“They are necessary to enable the applicant to complete the proposed development.

“In addition, there is also a compelling case in the public interest for land and interests to be compulsorily acquired.”

The Planning Inspectorate’s chief executive Sarah Richards said:  “The Planning Inspectorate has now examined more than 100 nationally significant infrastructure projects since the Planning Act 2008 process was introduced, ensuring local communities have had the opportunity of being involved in the examination of projects that may affect them.

“This Examination took place during the Covid-19 pandemic and its associated restrictions, and the Examining Authority worked hard to ensure that local people, the local authority and other Interested Parties were able to fully participate.

“The Examining Authority listened and gave full consideration to local views and the evidence gathered during the examination before making their recommendation.”

The application was submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for consideration by Highways England on January 31, 2020 and was then accepted for examination on February 28, 2020.

This is the 110th Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and 38th transport application to have been examined by The Planning Inspectorate within the timescales laid down in the Planning Act 2008.

For more information about the new link road visit