Shropshire Star

Public urged to have say on Market Drayton transport proposals

People living in-and-around Market Drayton have been encouraged to submit their views on transport proposals to coincide with its development.

Market Drayton town centre

Shropshire Council has published the Market Drayton Future Connectivity Plan for improving transport, travel and public spaces in Market Drayton.

The proposals are accessible on the council's website and will be open for comment by residents and local businesses until June 10.

Dean Carroll, Shropshire Council’s cabinet member for highways, said: “This is very much an emerging list of projects for Market Drayton that could be carried out in the coming months and years, if there is public support, and if funding can be secured.

Frogmore Road in Market Drayton, one of the main town centre car parks. Photo: Google

"We hope it’s a list that will grab people’s attention and generate debate and discussion. It’s exciting to be able to put these ideas on the table and ask local people what they think.

“Love them or hate them, we want to know what people think.

“We hope that this exercise helps demonstrate to people that the council is working hard on ways to improve transport, and access investment, in Market Drayton.”

The new proposals include improvements to crossings on key streets in the town centre, a new walking and cycling circuit to make better use of the River Tern, improvements to bus routes, and road safety measures at junctions.

The schemes have been put in place following extensive data analysis, site assessments and also through communications with local councillors.

The historic Buttercross in Market Drayton town centre

Councillor Roy Aldcroft, mayor of Market Drayton has said: "This future connectivity plan has already involved a lot of consultation with employers, retailers, transport and trader organisations and of course the markets.

"Questionnaires will be going out to members of the community to assess what needs will be required for the green agenda, public transport, further education, schools, broadband, vehicle charging points.

"Interestingly the plan will also examine cycling and walking routes within a ten kilometre area of the town. This in addition to safer streets for Active Travel and 20mph around schools."

He added: "Both town and county councils want to hear of aspirations on how the town will develop in the next 14 years or so, get involved now and have a say it’s your town!

"Personally, I would like to see a rail link to Crewe or Telford combined with a passenger and freight hub as a long-term aspiration, along with the new Greenfields sports centre with all its extra modern facilities for sport and recreation.

"The town is growing; this plan will provide the vital infrastructure to provide jobs, homes and a pleasant environment for the town to develop."

To see the proposals or have your say, visit