Shropshire Star

'Boat fires do happen on open water and canals!' West Midlands fire service advice for boat owners

"Although not common in the West Midlands, boat fires do happen on open water and canals."

Last updated
Boat fires are rare, but they do happen so the fire service has issued advice (Stock image).

That's the warning West Midlands Fire Service gave as part of advice being issued to those who live or work on canal boats in the region.

"Often, the same safety advice for the home will apply on a boat," they said in a statement, but it turns out there are extra safety tips especially for boats.

They range from making sure everything's turned off before you go to bed to making sure you refuel engines well away from the boat "where possible."

Courtesy of the fire service, here's the full list:

  • Fit a gas and petrol vapour detector alarm in the bilge, and even in the cabin space, to give you early warnings of dangerous build-ups of explosive gases

  • Before you go to bed or leave the boat, check all appliances are turned off and, if possible, close the valve on the LPG cylinders

  • Always know your location so you can tell us where you are in an emergency

  • Refuel outboard engines or generators well away from the boat where possible

  • Take care when refuelling – ensure you turn off the engine and any cooking before handling fuel

  • Fit a CO alarm to alert you to poisonous carbon monoxide, ensuring it’s suitable for marine use and meets the EN50291-2 standard.

  • For more advice around boat fire safety routines, maintenance, electrical safety and carbon monoxide, go to