Shropshire Star

New calls to repair 'Shrewsbury's worst road' after crash - amid fears potholes will get worse

Calls to repair the "worst road in Shrewsbury" have been reignited after a crash left three people needing to be checked over by paramedics.

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Resident David Kilby on the side of the A458 Welshpool Road in Shrewsbury

The state of the Welshpool Road, between Oxon Business Park and the A5 Churncote roundabout, has been described by residents as "shocking".

Locals claim the issue has been ongoing for several years but has been made worse by heavy machinery from nearby housing developments.

Work is now beginning on another housing project that will see more than 100 homes built on the land next to the A458 Welshpool Road and Gains Park Way.

A little further down Welshpool Road, work to build a new housing estate made up of 340 houses is already well under way.

Recent reports to Shropshire Council note the poor road surface, worn road markings and numerous potholes.

Bowbrook councillor Alex Wagner said: “Welshpool Road is the worst road in Shrewsbury. So many residents have raised this, I’ve reported this to the council on many occasions, and we’ve even had pledges it will be fixed - but nothing.

“Two-and-a-half years ago, works were meant to be done but only got as far as Shelton as they clashed with other works. Local people feel stiffed by this and are still very frustrated.

“Shropshire Council need to act now, not to wait and wait until never-ending development is complete.”

After a collision on Wednesday, November 22, resident Lesley Seaton - who said that she is looking at leaving the area because of the problems - appealed to the council to do more to reduce accidents.

Three people were checked over by paramedics after the two-car collision at the junction of Welshpool Road and Gains Park Way on Wednesday afternoon, thankfully they reported no serious injuries.

Lesley said: "The road is in a shocking state, made worse by the constant building developments on Welshpool Road and now a new one on Gains Park Way.

"The traffic volume is astronomical and it can take half an hour to get onto Welshpool Road from Gains Park Way. My wheels and tyres are getting damaged and I'm seeing more accidents on there.

"It's going to get a lot worse as the houses are built and petrol station is built."

The A458 Welshpool Road in Shrewsbury that has become dangerous due to potholes

Plans to build a service station next to Churncote roundabout were approved back in May. The site is set to feature a petrol station and a drive-through coffee shop.

Bicton resident David Kilby said he has personally witnessed three crashes and a number of near misses in recent weeks at the Gains Park Way and Calcott Lane junctions.

He said heavy, speeding traffic and the lack of road markings are making the area "a free for all".

"There's been a lot of development going on, so the road has taken more of a battering than usual. Because the signs on the road aren't clear, it's a free for all," he said.

"Traffic comes off the dual carriageway quickly, so there's a contrast of pace."

A spokesperson for Shropshire Council said: "A scheme to resurface the A458 Welshpool Road in Shrewsbury is being considered for inclusion in Shropshire Council’s 2024/25 resurfacing programme, which is set to be published in the coming weeks."