Shropshire Star

Britain will face ‘price’ for limiting immigration, warns Angela Merkel

Brexit talks to begin almost immediately after the General election on June 8.

Last updated

Angela Merkel has warned Britain will have a “price” to pay if it restricts EU immigration post-Brexit.

The German chancellor added that her suggestion “isn’t malicious” but an “obstacle” would be created to “compensate” the remaining 27 EU member states if such a policy emerged.

Prime Minister Theresa May has previously outlined Britain’s desire to regain full control of the number of people coming to the country from the EU, with free movement of people no longer expected to apply.

But Ms Merkel, speaking at an event with trade union officials in Berlin, said “if the British Government says that free movement of people is no longer valid, that will have its price in relations with Britain”.

She added if Britain, for example, says only 100,000 or 200,000 EU citizens are allowed into the country, “we would have to think about what obstacle we create from the European side to compensate for that”.

The EU’s chief Brexit negotiator also dismissed suggestions the UK will be required to pay up to 100 billion euro (£85 billion) as an “exit bill”.

Mr Barnier said the UK’s financial liabilities will be dependent on the date of Brexit and the methodology adopted, adding the European Council will “work with the Brits, very calmly” to reach an agreement.

(Yui Mok/PA)
(Yui Mok/PA)

Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage earlier warned Britain could walk away from talks by the end of the year as a result of Jean-Claude Juncker’s “bloody rude” behaviour and attempt to “bully the Brits”.

The MEP said the EU needs to make “grown-up, reasonable” demands.

Mr Farage’s attack came after European Commission president Mr Juncker said the Brexit process shows how “united and prepared” the EU will be.

European Council president Donald Tusk also insisted the conduct of the talks must “show the European Union at its best”, adding this involves “unity, political solidarity and fairness towards the United Kingdom”.

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