Shropshire Star

Mother spat on by youths on train in row over pram

The assault occurred on a Northern Rail service heading to Wigan on May 29.

Northern Rail train

Police are hunting a group of boys after a mother was spat at on a train following a row over a pram.

British Transport Police (BTP) have released CCTV images of the group they want to speak to following the assault on a Northern Rail train between Appley Bridge and Wigan Wallgate on May 29.

A force spokesman said the incident happened between 5.45pm and 6.10pm when the father of a baby asked a group of youths to be careful as they had knocked their pram.

The request led to a verbal argument and the group made threats to the family before throwing a bottle at the father and kicking him on his side after he fell to the floor.

They then spat in the face of the mother.

A BTP spokesman said: “Officers would like to speak to the boys in these CCTV images as they believe they may have information which could help the investigation.”

Anyone with information is asked to contact BTP by calling 0800 40 50 40, texting 61016, with reference 523 of May 29, or calling Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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