Shropshire Star

‘Beer before wine’ won’t help your head the next day – 13 hangover cures from around the world

We’ll leave you to determine how effective these are…

Bloody Mary Cocktail over Gray Background (Thinkstock/PA)

Anyone who has woken up with a fuzzy head, a dry mouth and a stomach-lining that appears to be yelling at you, will have attempted to soothe the alcohol-induced pain in some way.

Be it two pints of water and a dose of paracetamol, a full fry up, or jumping directly into the ocean (the latter works every time, honest), everyone has their own knack for managing or eliminating a hangover.

But if you thought you could preemptively avoid one by drinking your booze in a certain sequence – ie. “Beer before wine and you’ll feel fine” – according to a new study by scientists at Witten/Herdecke University in Germany, that’s just not the case.

In fact the research, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, found the best indicators for how hungover you’re going to be are: how drunk you feel and how sick you are.

So if you do succumb and your usual tricks aren’t proving successful, why not try one of these traditional hangover cures from around the world instead…

1. America
Stave off alcohol anxiety with a Bloody Mary – aka ‘hair of the dog’ – which was invented in 1920s New York. Vodka, tomato juice, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, celery salt, pepper – and you’re done.

2. Japan
Umeboshi – fermented or salted plums – are a staple morning-after go-to in Japan. Apparently Samurai warriors ate them to stave off dehydration and nausea, so a hangover presumably stands no chance.

3. France
All that red wine can get to you, so in France they combat it with cassoulet (a slow-cooked white bean stew) or French onion soup, preferably with a slab of cheesy, crusty toast on top.

4. Bulgaria and Mexico
Tripe soups are considered particularly effective in Bulgaria (shkembe) – and Mexico (menudo).

5. Italy
An espresso solves almost anything, including a hangover. If you’d rather not overdo it on the caffeine front though, try traditional Italian dish olio e peperoncino. It’s so easy – spaghetti swirled with olive oil, chilli flakes and garlic – even hungover, you’ll be able to assemble it.

6. Germany
We’d rather bratwurst and chips, but apparently German’s prefer rollmops on a hangover. These involve slices of onion and gherkin wrapped in pickled herring, which are sometimes served in a bun.

7. Korea
For Koreans, almost nothing beats a hearty but refreshing bowl of soup, especially if it’s kongnamul-guk (bean sprout soup).

8. Canada
Chips, gravy and cheese curds – we can very much get on board with Canadian favourite, poutine.

9. Poland
A sure fire way to liven up your senses, the Polish do a shot or two of astringent pickle or sour cabbage juice.

10. China
For ballast, tuck into Chinese congee (it’s a rice porridge) and for its detoxing properties, drink copious amounts of green tea.

11. Namibia
Namibian ‘buffalo milk’ sounds rather soothing and wholesome, but in fact, it involves rum mixed with double cream.

12. Russia
According to Russian wisdom, hopping in a hot sauna works (although we’re convinced this will leave you even more dehydrated than when you got in), alternatively, there’s kvas, a fizzy fermented drink made with yeast, rye bread and sugar.

13. Peru
Peruvians swear by leche de tigre, or tiger’s milk. It’s the spicy, sour, milky concoction you’re left with after marinating fish for ceviche.

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