Shropshire Star

What are the key dates in the countdown to the UK leaving the EU?

The UK is due to leave the bloc in less than 12 weeks’ time.

EU and Union flags

Britain is due to leave the European Union in less than 12 weeks’ time but there is a series of challenges facing the Prime Minister which will determine whether the UK leaves with or without a deal.

Here’s a look at the key dates in the countdown to Brexit:

August 24

G7 summit in Biarritz. Boris Johnson will make his first appearance at a major global summit when world leaders meet in France.

Donald Trump will be among attendees, potentially providing the opportunity for a meeting with the controversial US president in an effort to highlight the importance of the special relationship and a future trade deal.

Mr Johnson may also seek to court EU leaders in a bid to convince them to reopen the Withdrawal Agreement.

September 3

MPs return from recess. The House of Commons will return following the summer break, providing the opposition parties with an opportunity to force a confidence vote in the Government.

Labour has suggested they will only table such a motion if the party believes it has a chance of winning – but even if the move if defeated, they can keep trying.

September 4

Northern Ireland progress report published. The Government will publish a progress report on restoring devolved government in Northern Ireland – after MPs amended legislation before the summer in a bid to thwart a no-deal Brexit.

The report has to be debated by the Commons within five days.

(PA Graphics)

September 9

No-deal legislative showdown. MPs are likely to discuss the Northern Ireland progress report on this date, which sources believe could provide the first major legislative showdown over a no-deal Brexit.

There is speculation that MPs who do not support such an exit could use this time to try to legislate against a no-deal.


The UN General Assembly meeting in New York will provide another opportunity for Mr Johnson to appear on the global stage and set out his vision for the country’s place in the world.

September 29

Conservative Party conference. The gathering in Manchester will be a key test of the new Tory leader’s ability to unite the party and provides a platform to use their closing speech to address the nation.

October 31

The deadline for reaching a Brexit deal. Unless there is a further extension, this will be the UK’s last day as a member of the European Union and it will leave, with or without an agreement.

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