Shropshire Star

What the papers say – June 24

The Prime Minister’s plan to relax pandemic provisions leads the papers.

British newspapers

Most of Wednesday’s front pages are dominated by Boris Johnson’s announcement lockdown measures will be relaxed.

Metro encourages its readers to “Get the beers in!”, the Daily Express welcomes a “Brighter Britain” and the Daily Mirror says the changes will mean a return to “Life… But not as we know it”.

The Times and The Daily Telegraph quote Mr Johnson as saying the UK’s “hibernation” is ending, while The Guardian uses the same line but notes caution has been urged by scientists.

“Lockdown lift-off” declares the i, while the Daily Mail says “Summer’s back on!” as it also warns that health authorities have said coronavirus will remain a risk into 2021.

The Independent strikes a cautious tone, noting Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty has warned that the reduction in social distancing is “not risk-free”.

“Mind the gap” warns The Scottish Sun, which says there is a “virus strategy split” between the PM and First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

The founder of financial processor company Wirecard has been arrested on suspicion of false accounting, according to the Financial Times.

And a “slightly sunburned” Daily Star correspondent in Spain reports on a severe lack of sunbeds as social distancing is implemented on the country’s beaches.

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