Shropshire Star

Hotels to host weddings in Northern Ireland from July 10

Nuptials have been put on hold since the lock down to combat the spread of disease was introduced in March.

Last updated

Hotels and private venues will be allowed to hold weddings in Northern Ireland from July 10, First Minister Arlene Foster said.

The nuptial ceremonies have been put on hold since the lock down to combat the spread of disease was introduced in March.

Hairdressers and tattoo parlours were among businesses which reopened on Monday after the rate of coronavirus infection diminished.

No new deaths with Covid-19 have been recorded since Friday.

Nine positive tests were reported over the weekend.

Mrs Foster tweeted: “Executive meeting just over.

“Good news for couples waiting to get married.”

The DUP leader held a Belfast city centre press conference without deputy first minister Michelle O’Neill following a dispute over the Sinn Fein vice-president’s attendance at republican Bobby Storey’s funeral.

Hundreds of people lined the route last Tuesday and police are investigating whether any breaches of social distancing happened.

Mrs Foster said: “I am delighted to say that we are able to announce in relation to weddings and baptisms that they can now go ahead from the 10th of July, in a socially distanced way but inside, taking account of the space available.

“No longer will they be limited in numbers, it depends on the space in the church or indeed in the venue as well.”

An eager Belfast barber wasted no time reopening on Monday, throwing open his doors just a minute after midnight.

Staff at Cambridge Barbershop on the Lisburn Road were wearing personal protective equipment and visors while chairs were separated to just below two metres apart.

Coronavirus – Mon Jul 6, 2020
Staff at Cambridge Barbershop on the Lisburn Road were wearing personal protective equipment and visors while chairs were separated to just below two metres apart (Liam McBurney/PA)

Sean Lawlor said: “There were one or two regulars in and I didn’t recognise them with the long hair and beards but once the transformation came about then I knew who it was.”

The barber resumed service at 9am on Monday as queues formed along the road.

Pensioner Jim Murphy said his hair had grown to the longest he had ever seen it.

Emerging afterwards with a broad smile he said: “I feel a lot better.”

Beauty salons and tattooists were also able to open following the latest relaxation of coronavirus regulations.

Floral designs and characters were among the first tattoos inked in Belfast.

In the city centre, Belfast City Skinworks tattoo and piercing studio opened for appointments only.

Donal Kelly said: “Some of the artists are drawing up Covid related images but because we are dealing with clients who had been booked in back in March before the pandemic we haven’t got to that yet.

“But watch this space I am sure there will be a few Covid survivor tattoos to come.”

Coronavirus – Mon Jul 6, 2020
Covid-19 survivors tattoos on offer in Belfast (Liam McBurney/PA)

On Friday pubs which served food were able to reopen in Northern Ireland along with hotels.

Table service was required.

Beer taps were flowing and cash registers ringing as customers returned to cafes, restaurants and pubs.

From Monday, restrictions on people visiting loved ones in hospital and care homes will be eased.

Decisions on allowing visitors will now be made on a day-to-day basis, by the nurse in charge in hospitals, or by the manager in care homes, and will depend on the ability to ensure social distancing and safety of both patients/residents and the visitors.

All visitors to hospitals and care homes are now also required to wear a face covering, the department of health said.

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