Shropshire Star

What the papers say – July 15

Today’s front pages feature an array of stories on the Government’s Huawei backflip.

British newspapers

The decision to strip Huawei equipment from Britain’s 5G network dominates Tuesday’s papers.

The Guardian and Metro both carry the Government’s Huawei U-turn, with the Guardian focusing on the decision potentially jeopardising the UK’s 5G rollout, while the Metro simply says “We’ll go our own Huawei”.

Meanwhile The Independent, i and Financial Times all lead with Beijing’s reaction to the decision.

Elsewhere, the Daily Mirror reports rules on face coverings will need to remain in place until a vaccine is found, while The Daily Telegraph says masks will soon be recommended for all public places – including offices.

Ghislaine Maxwell “broke down in tears” after being told she must remain in jail for at least a year, according to the Daily Mail.

The Times says Chancellor Rishi Sunak has ordered a review of the capital gains tax as the Treasury looks to find ways to help pay for the coronavirus pandemic.

The Daily Express leads with former Number 10 adviser Sir Andrew Dilnot calling Britain’s social care funding system a “stain on our nation”.

And a British UFO expert believes the universe is inhabited by “woke” and “vegan” aliens, according to the Daily Star.

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