Shropshire Star

The post-Brexit trade deal in numbers

A trade deal between the UK and the European Union was announced on Christmas Eve.

Last updated

The UK and the European Union have reached a trade agreement days before current arrangements were due to expire.

Here is a look at that Brexit deal in numbers:

1973 – The year Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the UK was last an independent coastal state with full control over its waters.

£100 million – The amount of money announced by Mr Johnson for fishing communities to modernise their fleets.

27 – EU member states which will need to approve the trade deal.

December 30 2020 – The day Parliament will be recalled to vote on the deal.

The Prime Minister gave a press conference after the deal was reached (Paul Grover/Daily Telegraph/PA)

January 31 2020 – When the UK officially left the European Union.

329 – Days between the UK leaving the EU and the trade deal being reached.

Four million – EU nationals who have requested to settle in the UK over the last four years, according to the Prime Minister.

Five (and a half) – The length of the fishing transition period in years, cut from the 14 years originally requested by the EU.

500 – The length of the trade deal, which is yet to be published, in pages.

54 – Months between the initial referendum vote and the trade deal being agreed.

58 – Countries the UK has made trade deals with around the world since Brexit, according to the Prime Minister.

Coronavirus – Tue Sep 22, 2020
International Trade Secretary Liz Truss has signed several trade deals since Brexit (Aaron Chown/PA)

£668 billion – The amount of money the deal will generate each year, according to Mr Johnson.

9.30am – When European diplomats will meet on Christmas Day in UK time to start reviewing the agreement.

95 – Months since then-Prime Minister David Cameron promised an in-out referendum on EU membership if the Conservatives win the 2015 general election.

One – Pigeon pounced on by Larry the cat in Downing Street while the country waited for the announcement of a trade deal.

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