Shropshire Star

What the papers say – January 25

Many of Monday’s papers are led by the education implications of the pandemic.

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A collection of British newspapers

Schooling and vaccination dominate the front pages at the start of the week.

The Daily Telegraph and The Sun say the Prime Minister has been told pupils are the “forgotten children” of the pandemic, while Health Secretary Matt Hancock is quoted in Metro and The Guardian as saying schools may not fully reopen until after Easter.

Parents have responded with “fury” over the “schools shambles”, according to the Daily Mirror.

Leading health expert Professor Anthony Harnden has told the delaying a second dose of the vaccine will save more lives.

Data has shown nearly half a million virus jabs have been given out on a single day, reports the Daily Express, while Chancellor Rishi Sunak in The Times has backed quarantine periods in hotels for all arrivals into the UK.

The Daily Star says dogs and cats may be super-spreaders of the virus and could require additional jabs.

A report carried in The Independent by the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants says thousands of care workers risk losing their right to work in the UK amid the pandemic.

The Daily Mail continues its campaign to get “laptops to lockdown pupils”.

And the Financial Times reports Poland is pressuring the EU to take action following the arrest of Russian opposition figure Alexei Navalny.

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