Shropshire Star

What the papers say – January 28

Many of the national papers cover the EU demanding access to AstraZeneca’s UK-made coronavirus vaccine.

Last updated
A collection of British newspapers

Vaccine politics and alternative testing methods are spread across Thursday’s front pages.

The Financial Times, the i, The Independent and The Daily Telegraph say the EU has demanded more of the UK-made Oxford/AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, with the latter paper reporting the Prime Minister “refuses to relinquish” the doses.

The Guardian reports London and Brussels are “in row” over access to the vaccine.

“Wait your turn!” for the doses, the Daily Express tells the “selfish” EU, while the Daily Mail lays it out clearly: “No, EU can’t have our jabs!”

Senior industry sources told The Times the UK has “more than enough vaccines for this year and could eventually donate them to other countries”.

Plans to lift pandemic restrictions will be revealed late in February, Boris Johnson said, as the Daily Mirror reported the development ensures the first schools will not reopen until at least March 8.

An NHS nurse suffering from Covid-19 has met her baby for the first time three months after giving birth, according to Metro.

The Sun reports police are attempting to remove the licence of a Notting Hill restaurant which broke pandemic restrictions by hosting singer Rita Ora’s 30th birthday.

And the Daily Star says a “crack” team of scientists believe their “anal Covid test is more accurate” than the commonly used nose-and-throat swab method.

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