Shropshire Star

Mountain hare populations in Peak District higher than thought, count suggests

Nocturnal surveying developed in Scotland has been used to get new estimates for numbers for the only English population of the hares.

A mountain hare in the Peak District

The mountain hare population in the Peak District could be much larger than previously estimated, new night-time surveying suggests.

Initial results of a count using a methodology developed in Scotland indicate the population densities of the hares are between two and five times higher than recent data drawn from other sites in the national park.

The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust (GWCT) which led the research, said the findings are “welcome news” for the species – though they still face many threats including climate change.

Mountain hares are native to Scotland and died out in England during the last Ice Age.

But they were introduced into the English uplands in the mid-1800s by shooting estates, surviving now only in the Peak District.

The counting method, developed in Scotland by GWCT with the James Hutton Institute and NatureScot as a more reliable technique for counting hare numbers than previously used, involves recording numbers of hares seen along regular transects through the landscape at night.

It was undertaken by the Peak District Moorland Group, part of the Moorland Association, with gamekeepers counting hares across 16 grouse moor estates in the Dark Peak area of the national park.

Lead author of the study Dr Nick Hesford, from the GWCT, said: “Preliminary results suggest that the numbers of hares recorded by gamekeepers may be equivalent to a population density of around 52-126 mountain hares per square kilometre.

“This is similar to the densities recently recorded in their core range in Scotland and between two to five times higher than the most recent estimates at other sites in the national park.”

And he said: “The threats of traffic accidents, the isolation of the Peak District population, disease and climate change remain, but this survey is welcome news for the species.

“Although we only have data from one year of surveys so far, the adoption of this new methodology in the Peak District is a breakthrough for the population, and it is our hope this survey continues to help conservation efforts in the future.”

Dr Hesford said the first year of surveying had delivered “very much preliminary results”, but it will inform long-term monitoring that will help with their conservation.

There was previously limited data on the population in the Peak District, drawn from other areas which are not managed as grouse moors.

Dr Hesford suggested the higher population density found in the latest survey is likely to be partly due to the more effective method of counting and partly due to the way in which the sites being analysed are managed.

The GWCT said mountain hares benefit from the conditions grouse moor keepers maintain for boosting numbers of red grouse, such as heather burning that produces new young shoots which they eat, and control of predators such as foxes and stoats.

Snow in the Peak District, home to England's only population of mountain hares (Danny Lawson/PA)
Snow in the Peak District, home to England’s only population of mountain hares (Danny Lawson/PA)

In Scotland, unlicensed killing of mountain hares has been banned, while in England the species can be managed through shooting but the population must be maintained in a favourable conservation status.

Climate change threatens the mountain hares by creating a mismatch between the periods when they have their white winter coat camouflage and when there is snow cover on the ground.

A shorter snowy period in winter means the white hares stand out on the brown and green ground, making them easy prey for predators.

“Because of the way in which grouse moors are managed, even in the face of climate change it’s likely these areas – provided they are managed in the same way – will provide habitat for mountain hares,” Dr Hesford said.

Richard Bailey, Peak District Moorland Group co-ordinator who helped arrange the surveys, said: “Mountain hares are predominantly nocturnal animals, so it makes sense that the night-time counts are providing more successful and reliable population estimates than daytime counting.

“This population of mountain hares has survived thanks to the habitat management and predator control undertaken by gamekeepers in the Dark Peak area.

“This research confirms that the hard work is still benefiting the species.”

Wildlife groups have criticised grouse moor estates for heather burning which, they say, damages the habitat and carbon storage, and amid concerns over the illegal killing of hen harriers which prey on grouse chicks.

But estate owners say they are undertaking action for wildlife conservation and preventing wildfires, have zero tolerance to illegal persecution of birds of prey, and the shoots provide rural jobs and economic benefits.

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