Shropshire Star

Appeal for witnesses after man set alight in underpass

The victim suffered injuries to his face and hands in the ‘shocking’ incident.

Police response

A man believed to be sleeping rough in an underpass in Birmingham has been set on fire, suffering potentially life-changing injuries.

West Midlands Police said the “shocking attack” on the man, who had bedding set alight and then piled on top of him, happened shortly after 9.20am last Tuesday, near the intersection of Hockley Hill and Boulton Middleway.

The man, aged in his 30s, is in a stable condition in hospital after suffering what police said were potentially life-changing injuries to his face and hands.

Underpass appeal pic
A CCTV image released as part of the inquiry (West Midlands Police/PA)

Officers have issued an image of a man who was riding on an electric scooter in the area at the time.

A police statement appealing for witnesses and information said: “We know this image isn’t very clear, and we are working to find further CCTV opportunities, but we hope that this image may prompt someone to come forward with information.

“The man is described as white, 5ft 5in, and wearing a white vest, white hoodie, black gloves, grey jogging bottoms, black shoes and wearing chains.”

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