Shropshire Star

Lord Buckethead released a music video for Christmas and it’s a must-watch

The space lord who lit up this year’s election is back with a banger.

(Lord Buckethead/YouTube)

Satirical political candidate Lord Buckethead has released a Christmas song for charity.

His song, A Bucketful of Christmas, rounds off a year which saw him battle against Theresa May for her Maidenhead seat in this year’s election – and it’s a belter.

He said the song is not out for sale yet, but his minions are looking into it – and if a major label wanted to help they should “drop us a line”.

All click revenues from the song will go to homeless charity Crisis at Christmas.

“I am not in it for personal riches,” he said. “I just fancied having a laugh. Clearly it is superior to any other track in the ether at the moment, but will that be enough to topple the mighty Shere Anne [check this, minions] in time for a Number One? I somehow doubt it.”

Lord Buckethead’s political challenge in June’s election came after a candidate of the same name challenged Margaret Thatcher and John Major in the 1987 and 1992 elections respectively.

Images of him at the election went viral and he was even invited to the US to appear on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.

So, after a busy year, what does 2018 have in store for the space lord?

“I keep an open mind, especially as an Earth year is but a blink in a space lord’s visor,” he said. “But generally, I look forward to spreading intergalactic wisdom, quelling a separatist dispute on Sigma IX, going on an open bus tour of the locations used in Inspector Morse, and of course the World Cup.”

Asked what his Christmas message was for his fans and supporters, Lord Buckethead said: “Happy Christmas.”

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