Shropshire Star

What’s the one thing people always say when they find out what your job is?

‘What do you do?’ is bringing up some great exchanges.

A technician carrying out some wiring (Chris Ison/PA)

Can you normally guess the conversation that follows when you tell people what you do for a job?

It seems that for a lot of workers – from DJs and actors to writers and scientists – there’s a certain patter which always occurs.

Now, a whole load of people are detailing their interactions on Twitter, with each tweet leading to a similar tale.

The DJ

The actor

The writer

The book editor

A crime reporter

The film critic

The theologian

The academic: religious studies

The sociologist

The psychologist

and … Walter White

If it all sounds a bit familiar, @ChemJobber explained he was riffing off the “where are you from meme” when he started his job conversation. Start here to keep exploring…

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