Shropshire Star

Can you guess which creature this is rudely waking a sleeping camper?

No clues.

Seagull feet on top of a tent (Rachel Burns)

Pet owners will be familiar with their animals waking them up at the crack of dawn, but how many times has an unidentified creature broken your slumber by landing on your tent roof?

That’s what Rachel Burns, 49, from Birmingham, was forced to contend with while camping in Prestatyn in North Wales when two feet landed on the canvas above her.

Any ideas?

Yes, it was a seagull that had perched on top of the tent, producing a gentle thud as it did so.

And while the appearance of a gull didn’t seem to worry Rachel too much, it was a little early in the day for such a wake-up call.

Eventually the feathered alarm clock left to go and wake everybody else up, but not before leaving its mark.

Someone tell the gull community we’ve all got alarms on our phones, please. Thanks.

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