Shropshire Star

14 life lessons for millennials from people aged over 50

Don’t end up with regrets.

Grandfather and young adult

Some lessons are covered time and time again in school; others make it into TV shows and movies while others come from the university of life.

On Reddit, those over the age of 50 were being asked about their biggest regrets which could act as a life lesson for the next generation.

With serious answers only, the thread made for some tough reading. Here are 14 takeaways on the shortness of life and how to make the most of it.

1. Keep making new friends.

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2. You’ll never be sorry for telling someone you love them.

3. Record those memories.

From Redditor aanjheni: “I wish I would have written down the stories my grandparents and great-aunts and uncles told me.

“Talk to the elders in your family – NOW. Get all of the family stories you can. Record them, jot them down, whatever, just capture those memories while you can. Sooner or later you will want to know about your history.”

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4. Live in the moment.

From Redditor Maddie233, aged 57: “As far as regrets, I wish I had taken more risks and not been held back by fear. I’m working on that now.

“An important lesson I’ve learned is that we are put on this earth to give of ourselves and to love others and love well. Nothing else matters.

“Stay in the moment, be true to yourself, and love, love, love.”

5. Go to the gig.

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6. Travel and share messages of love.

7. Challenge your own political views.

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8. Ignore those naysayers.

From Reddit user Creatororstuffn, aged 55: “I regret nothing. Go live life to the fullest and give no attention to those that will attempt to dull your shine.”

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9. Try that sport.

10. Take school and uni seriously.

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11. Have the courage to live your life.

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12. Still not a Mellencamp fan.

From Redditor Bjarki56: “What I miss the most about the past is ironically what then gave me the most anxiety. I miss my life having great possibilities. Who will I marry? What will my kids be like? What career will I have? Where will it take me?

“Then I had plenty of time ahead to dream and wonder. I felt like almost anything was possible. Youth has a vitality about it, an energy, an eagerness that gives way to complacency and then to an aching nostalgia.

“I was never a Mellencamp fan but the line ‘Life goes on long after the thrill is gone’ feels truer and truer with each passing year.”

13. Life is beautiful

From Redditor rrassi: “My suggestion to people out there, live deliberately, forget the pursuit of material things, enjoy your life and the people around you, family and friends, You will see that your life becomes a series of beautiful and fulfilling experiences and trust me, time will slow down. Ignore the critics, they will eventually realise the same thing except much later.”

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14. Take the risk.

From Reddit user Neuromancer72, aged 47: “Bottom line, don’t hesitate or be afraid to take risks. Don’t spend money frivolously, but spend enough to enjoy things.

“Don’t ignore your health. Travel. Meditate. Try to take pleasure in the small things and be aware of the present moment. Love freely and fully. Forgive easily and completely.

“Learn to let things go that you can’t control and focus on things that really matter, and learn the difference. Don’t worry what people think about you – do what makes you and the ones you love happy, and take pictures.”

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