Shropshire Star

This record-breaking pumpkin tipped the scales at a staggering 2,528lb

That’s more than a ton of pumpkin. Try carving a scary face in that…

A really big pumpkin

Turning up to a local fair, you’d probably hope to to see a few huge or amusingly shaped vegetables – and visitors at Deerfield Fair were not disappointed by this whopper.

Steve Geddes, from New Hampshire, turned up with a pumpkin so huge it weighed in at 2,528 pounds – that’s more than 180 stone, and just shy of 1,150kg.

Yes, the pumpkin weighed more than a ton – the biggest ever grown in North America.

Geddes was the toast of Deerfield – which is around 70 miles north of Boston – receiving a very tide $6,000 prize (£4,600) – as well as, of course, a victor’s ribbon.

It was confirmed to local media by the Great Pumpkin Commonwealth as North America’s biggest ever pumpkin.

It’s not a world beater though – the world record stands at 2,624 pounds and was grown by a Belgian man named Mathias Willemijns in 2016.

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