Shropshire Star

Yvette Cooper pocket-tweeted and of course husband Ed Balls led the mockery

‘Yvette, you’ve got to stop this pocket-tweeting. Believe me, it can get you into all sorts of trouble…’

Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper

An accidental tweet is the modern day version of pocket-dialling, and the latest to fall victim to its misfortune is Labour politician Yvette Cooper.

The MP for Normanton and Pontefract’s tweet, reading simply “K”, is hapless tweeting in its purest form – and no-one understands that fine art better than her husband Ed Balls.

The former shadow chancellor’s famous first tweet read simply “Ed Balls”, and was enough to have a day named after him – Ed Balls Day.

Naturally then, it was he who lead the charge when it came to mocking his wife’s Twitter woes.

Here is how nine others interpreted Cooper’s “K”.

1. Whatever will be, will be.

2. Hello?

3. Have fun.

4. Arise Sir Ed.

5. Not Numberwang.

6. A political opportunity.

7. Unenthusiastic but politically motivated.

8. Get Down Tonight.

9. Come again?

It might not be worthy of an Yvette Cooper Day this time, but as a certain US president will attest, it just goes to show covfefe.

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