Shropshire Star

Swan ‘reunited’ with cygnets after becoming trapped in rope

Steven Parry and David Bond helped to rescue the swan at a park close to the Lake District.

The rescued swan

A swan was “reunited” with its cygnets after its neck was caught on a rope in a park close to the Lake District.

Zoe Harper, a supervisor for a cleaning service on site, filmed two men as they freed the swan when it got stuck at Westlakes Science Park on Friday morning.

Posting a video of the rescue on Facebook, Ms Harper said: “Massive well done to Steven Parry and David Bond. Mother, father and babies all happily reunited.”

The RSPCA was initially called to the scene, but was unable to send an officer immediately.

Grounds workers Steven Parry and David Bond came to the park on their day off to rescue the swan from a boat.

“I’m a huge animal lover and what these two men did was truly amazing,” Ms Harper said.

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