Shropshire Star

Dublin barber preparing to be ‘repair shop’ for DIY disasters

Hairdressers across the country are preparing to reopen on June 29.

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John O’Loughlin, owner of Tallaght Traditional Barber Shop

A Dublin barber has joked that he will be running a repair shop when he finally gets back to cutting hair after lockdown.

John O’Loughlin, who has worked in Tallaght for 35 years, said some of the DIY hairdressing efforts he has seen in the last three months have been incredibly bad.

A father’s attempt to give his son a Mohican was probably the most shocking sight of the lot, said the well-known local barber.

Hairdressers across Ireland are being inundated with booking requests since the Government announced that their reopening date had been moved forward to June 29.

“Not only have I heard stories but you get sent all the photographs too,” Mr O’Loughlin said of the amateur hatchet jobs.

“Children send you photographs of what their fathers have done to them cutting their hair, it’s just incredible.

“And then some husbands are sending me photographs of what their wives have done.

“It’s going to be a repair shop for the first few weeks I think.

“One little fella asked his dad for a Mohican. I’d show you photographs but it just wouldn’t be fair on the young lad.”

Coronavirus – Sat Jun 20, 2020
Mr O’Loughlin has introduced a series of safety procedures ahead of reopening (Brian Lawless/PA)

Mr O’Loughlin, who owns Tallaght Traditional Barber Shop, said lockdown had been a hard experience.

“To be working all your life and then to be told you can’t work and everything just stops – it’s been quite tough,” he said.

“But it’s for safety reasons and that’s why we all did it and we will get through it from doing it that way.

“It was brilliant news last night to say we can reopen. The phone has been really busy now with people wanting to know what we are going to do, whether it’s going to be by appointment only or whether it’s going to be walk-ins or what safety measures we have taken.”

Coronavirus – Sat Jun 20, 2020
Mr O’Loughlin said all customers would have their temperature taken on arrival (Brian Lawless/PA)

Mr O’Loughlin said he was taking safety to the “extreme”.

He has already purchased supplies of disposable gowns for customers and face shields and gloves for staff.

Everyone’s temperature will be taken when they arrive at the shop and all the haircutting chairs have been placed the required two metres apart.

“I’m 35 years in Tallaght now cutting hair, it’s a long, long time,” said Mr O’Loughlin.

“Tallaght’s a great place. I’ve met brilliant people here over my time, so I’m looking forward to seeing them all again.”

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