Shropshire Star

Talking Telford: Flashpoints and truce in the battle for our planet's soul

It sometimes feels like as a species we’re waging war on our own planet with our exploitation of resources and insatiable hunger to build more, more, more - though localised, uneasy truces in this war have broken out, including in Telford.

Some of the clean-up crew at St Matthew's Church, and a sign in Lawley

The battle for our planet’s soul seems especially pronounced in Lawley Village, which only sprang up from the countryside relatively recently, and where there’s so much development still going on.

If I look out of a window on one side of my flat, I can see a once-neat triangular field of untamed grass that’s now up to waist height; a line of lush trees; ‘rewilded’ mini-meadows full of wildflowers on the roadside; and dense woodland at Limekiln and New Works.