Talking Telford: The secret to surviving this strange British summer? Just roll with it
I’m always reluctant to write about the weather here: it's lazy, it's not a subject I'm particularly knowledgeable about, and it’s rarely the most interesting thing about the week in Telford. With that said… this time I really do have to talk about the weather.

It feels like every summer I’ve caught myself complaining the weather has been worse than ever before, only for it to just keep getting worse. And if you rate the weather based purely on how rainy it’s been, as I used to, that trend would appear to have continued this year.
This July has mostly been a washout thus far, although we have had hot spells between the downpours. The old me would have complained about the sticky uncomfortability of the heat too - but now, only after living through 18 British summers have I finally learned the secret to coping with the weather here. And funnily enough, it’s the secret to coping with most things in life: just roll with it.