Shropshire Star

Do not rule out a happy ending for best of friends

As rumours circulate of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson getting back together, Shirley Tart is wholeheartedly behind them.

The couple’s wedding in 1986

Oh yes, I remember it well! It was a lovely summer’s day and having just left our coveted seats inside Westminster Abbey after a lovely ceremony, I and a few equally lucky colleagues were standing outside the Abbey watching the couple of the moment – or even the year – start their married life together.

Prince Andrew and that flame haired beauty Sarah Ferguson were a handsome, ever smiling and optimistic pair. And they set off on their new venture in an open carriage and the widest smiles you could imagine.

That was the moment when I happily remarked: “Well she will bring a bit of extra colour to the Royal Family.”

As it was to turn out, didn’t she just!

That summertime date was July 23, 1986, also the day when The Queen created her second son Duke of York. All seemed happy and well during those early years, producing two girls they both doted on, but also increasing problems.

And so it was that in 1996 the couple were to divorce.

It was said at the time that continuing many times spent away on his military career didn’t help.


The Prince saw active service during the Falklands War and still holds the rank of Commander, he also served in the Royal Navy as an active duty helicopter pilot and instructor. He served our country well.

But this couple have served their family well. Despite becoming fodder for gossip columns, from the moment they split, they have put their children first and despite regular criticism, as with us all, some of which might have been justified, The Duke of York and his wife eventually found a way of caring and sharing not just responsibility but fun and spending time with their girls as they grew, one now married and the other looking as though she is heading that way.

Andrew and Sarah have long shared the same properties at home and holidaying in the Alps.

For a long time, word has been that they might even get together completely by marrying again and that our wise and wonderful Queen would consent even though the Duke of Edinburgh would be against such a move.

Who knows?

But while the official word seems to be that they remain as they have been – the very best of friends – I’d not rule out a sequel to that happy summertime day of more than 30 years ago. Good luck to them, say I!