Star comment: We could all land on a snake
Our society is a complex, layered, web of many different worlds and it is possible, and perhaps most usual, to live in one of those worlds and never visit another, even though you know they exist.
But there is too the possibility of moving from one world to another by fate, circumstance, or chance, and in this lottery of life there are many more snakes than ladders.
It could happen to you, goes that lottery slogan. It happened to Samuel Bennett, but not in a good way. He landed on a square which saw him descending a snake.
He became an alcoholic while still a mere child and began sleeping on the streets.
For those who have no experience of, or insight into, this world, it is easy to let preconceptions and stereotypes dictate how we view people like Samuel. He was not the product of a broken home, but on his own account from a good home and loving parents.
From his low point, he has been able to rise from his cardboard bedding and ascend a ladder, partly through his own efforts, and partly through help he has received, and he mentions in particular a Telford support group in that respect.
He has some interesting perspectives on his experiences which will not apply to all cases of homelessness, as that is one of his underlying points, that there are as many different shades to this problem as there are people affected.
Nor does he suggest that there are any easy answers. But he is looking at ways of providing a broad measure of support which will yield a benefit in many cases.
He is drawing on what happened to him to develop a new internet social network and phone app which will allow recovering addicts to connect with each other for mutual support, and put them in touch with organisations which can provide urgent support if they are away from their normal location.
The network is being called Meet4acoffee.
“My mind was turning over of just how lonely it was to be left in the gutter and totally ignored. People sadly choose to ignore what they don’t understand.
“As I walked, I set my mind to one thing, helping myself and then coming back to help the others,” he says.
These are words to prick the consciences of those from those different worlds who walk by and avert their gaze. Enjoying better circumstances does not mean you are a better person.
There but for the grace of God...