Shropshire Star

Shropshire Star comment: We should applaud Daniel Kawczynski for his calculated rebellion

The Shrewsbury and Atcham MP Daniel Kawczynski has decided to no longer rebel against the minority Government of which he is a part.

Daniel Kawczynski

He had planned to put his head above the parapet after becoming disillusioned that his local council might not receive sufficient funds in its settlement from the Treasury.

Mr Kawczynski was not alone in speaking out against what he saw as a parsimonious figure and he believes his efforts have led to significant gains for the county.

We can but applaud his calculated rebellion and if it leads to a better deal, many will benefit.

And yet Mr Kawczynski will not be surprised that some will greet his pronouncements with a pinch of salt.

For the proof will be in the pudding and we must wait a while to find out exactly what he has earned from the Government.

Devil in the detail

And he knows that he will face some hostility if Shropshire Council's next budget results in cuts to Frontline services. For the electorate of Shropshire not only expects results from its elected representatives, it also demands transparency. And while many will allow Mr Kawczynski some latitude in doing deals on the county's behalf, they will want to see the devil in the detail.

Of course, the county's residents may take a different view. They might wander why local MPs need to fight as hard as Mr Kawczynski and co and why the Government is not as generous as it might be. We live in a continued age of austerity where the public sector continues to shrink.

We all know that the New Labour days of state largesse are long gone. But many might wish for better State protection when it comes to such essential services as social care, education and the provision of services that help the elderly, mentally ill and those who are vulnerable.

Society at large does not necessarily wish to see the emergence of Corbynomics, but there is a broad feeling that the Government could do more to stimulate investment and protect those in need.

In time, we will no doubt learn precisely what deal Mr Kawczynski has struck and how that helps local residents.

We must congratulate him for whatever he has earned, while also waiting to find out what he has earned.

At the same time, we might reflect on whether the Government should do more for society as a matter of course.