Shropshire Star comment: Education cannot be sidelined
Education, education, education was how Tony Blair set out his priorities when he was elected to office.

It’s 21 years since the former Prime Minister unveiled that mantra and the nation’s young people are no longer top of the political agenda.
As the nation continues to focus on Brexit, public services continue to face decline.
The NHS is struggling to keep pace with demand for services. Town halls are unable to fund frontline services as staff have lost their jobs and expenditure has been cut. And schools are finding it hard to maintain standards as budgets come under pressure.
In Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin, funding per pupil has fallen in real terms. And while that will probably not come as a major surprise to many, it is nevertheless a worrying trend for parents and teachers.
We have long suspected that this region is losing out to other parts of the country. Today’s figures reinforce this view.
It is vital that schools are able to give our youngsters the start in life they deserve. With funding per pupil dropping by three per cent in real terms in Shropshire and five per cent in T&W, we are putting the future of children in jeopardy.
We are in the midst of party conference season where the Conservatives, Labour and Liberal Democrats set out their agendas. Sadly, not enough has been made of the need to improve education for youngsters. And while it is understandable that the political focus remains on Brexit, which is the biggest political challenge of the post-War era, it must not be at all costs.
Enormously important domestic issues are in danger of being sidelined as politicians look at our future trading, immigration and security arrangements with Europe and the rest of the world. Health and education are among those issues.
At a local level, our MPs and councillors must make strong representations to secure a better deal for our children.
They must put the matter on the agenda of national decision-makers as they seek finance to stop the rot.
Our politicians on all sides should come together to highlight this issue.
Children should not be made the victims of this era of austerity.