Shropshire Star

Shirley Tart: Speak up Harry – we are listening

Social media is more addictive than drugs or alcohol and can be an irresponsible on-line game.


So says our Prince Harry – adding that a computer game called Fortnite should perhaps be banned.

Strong words from a young man who has been brought up on new technology and had every opportunity to enjoy the most sophisticated, clever – and pricey – bits of equipment.

But, of course, Harry is about to become a father, something he has longed for, and it’s to his credit that he is taking his new responsibilities very seriously.

Though with his military background, picking up the pieces of his life after his mother’s horrendous accident and death when he was just a youngster and finding a role for himself as both his father and William, the brother to whom he is devoted, prepare for the role laid out for them – to be king one day.

It may work out differently, it may not happen for both at all but heirs to the throne know all about the duty of preparation.

Harry is no exception. He knows about it but is not really on the ‘likely’ list for Monarch.

Though the Prince is more aware than many of national and international issues, of the help needed now and for the years ahead and especially life for those brave men and women who have served their country so well and have now come home … often not knowing what life holds for them at all. The valiant young Prince supported them during his own service life and is determined to support them still.

And if Harry talks openly about the dangers of drugs, drink and so called social media, then we should all listen. Because these great issues do affect the whole nation and not just bewildered parents so anxious for the health of their children. Carry on Harry, we ARE listening!

Sorry to sound so gloomy but now we hear that modern diet kills more people than some of the previously known rogues of the dinner table. Too much salt and sugar, often leading to obesity and other conditions like diabetes for instance. Lack of fibre and simply not enough fruit and veg are highlighted by scientists and there are many other additions to our diets which we ignore at our peril. So think on and with Spring and Summer not too far away (we hope), try a sensible diet, feel heaps better and remember it doesn’t all have to be raw carrots and the discovery of a long lost lettuce!

The promotion for some advertisements is brilliant, especially where youngsters and animals are concerned. But some, are so irritating that I have been known to least turn the sound down if not the set off, and yes, I do know that’s a bit petty.

But I’ll tell you one topic which currently exasperates – the guy who keeps popping up with his stock of gold coins and bullion bars insisting that we need them in our lives, to store away and keep peeping at or put them on one side to leave when we are gone.

Apart from anything else, while I am all for people having something special in their lives and, if they like, create little collections, it seems to me that hoarding gold coins and bullion thanks to the TV ads are a bit of an odd thing to be parading for sale night after night.