Shirley Tart: Sporting chance to forget politics
What a summer, eh?
And I’m not talking specifically about the weather, although a bit more of the wonderful sunshine we’ve had over the past few days will be more than acceptable.
But in a summer which threatened to be just as politically unacceptable as ever, this sporting summer is turning otherwise boring, even thoroughly tedious matters into the really exciting.
It is about lifting spirits, raising interest, and across the board, so many who perhaps weren’t ardent fans, have found a new and an exhilarating interest.
Think tennis, football, cricket and a whole host of other likely and unlikely sports and suddenly the demand for access, for wanting to be part of it all and other ways to do just that, have become big time.
I put so much of it down to escaping.
Escaping from a routine which is based on politics gone badly wrong, disasters when it comes to street crime, unnecessary provocation for the want of anything else to do and a life which seems to be based on that darned word, Brexit.
Irritation doesn’t come close to how so many of us feel about how it has taken over our lives for so long.
Yes, I tried not to mention it but since it now dominates so much, including time, it is very difficult to ignore.
Nor am I saying that sporting matters are more important than the way we live, the rules we make and the notice we then take – or don’t – of the more sober part of our lives.
But allowing them to take over with little around to lift spirits, means those who do seems to thrive on the worst side of everything, have a field day and everyone else sinks back into a dreary sort of acceptance.
So for now, let’s carry on enjoying this sporting summer – even if Old Man the Weather does step in and mess things about now and then, we can cope with that if enough of us have the will to do what we can to help lift spirits.
Don’t really like sports? Well get to like them and their motivation.
Learn about them and even take sporting sides if you like.
I mean, what about those fantastic women who are star soccer players and who have taken us into the World Cup semi-finals next Tuesday?
Just one more match for a place in the finals and a glimpse of glory.
All the same, whatever happens, our golden girls have already done us proud!
Then what about the tennis?
Wimbledon is about to open its gates and fans are already in attendance.
For me as for so many others, there is no sport like this one. But we each have our own choice and in their time, I can watch them all – except boxing or wrestling.
Then whether it’s sailing, running, fast walking, gymnastics, cycling and most of the others, there is surely something for everyone.
Now for the rest of the summer, majoring on Wimbledon (of course), this column will be highlighting our sports, some of fans who are already in place and perhaps even encouraging others to join in.
So whatever age you are, however fit you may be, no matter what the scales say or the sole attractions of pub and table football, get into the fun and attractions of sport, enjoy what so many thousand folk do already and lift your spirits.
This Sporting Summer. Great!