Shropshire Star

Heading towards fascist state

Boris Johnson has announced that he will suspend Parliament until after no-deal Brexit is inevitable.

Protesters in Shrewsbury demonstrate against Boris Johnson's decision to suspend Parliament

This is a completely transparent, cynical manoeuvre that tramples all over the very heart of our parliamentary system and, if it is unopposed and successful, opens the path to a dark future.

People fought and died to establish an effective parliamentary democracy with our representatives elected by every person having one vote.

Boris Johnson has shown his contempt for the people and their representatives, and parliamentary democracy in particular, with his latest announcement. There are many Conservatives (including an ex-Chancellor, an Attorney General and The Speaker) all saying this, as well as all of the other political parties.

Johnson is a well documented liar who has shown that he has no fixed moral compass and is prepared to say anything if it delivers him power (he has been forced to accept these statements as facts when made by others in public). He has no personal mandate as Prime Minister having been elected by a majority of 160,000 Tory Party members; predominantly old white men with a extreme right wing social, economic and political opinions.

See also:

This is much much bigger than Brexit. Johnson is hoping he can hijack the support of a large minority of the population for Brexit to support these undemocratic moves that will set precedents that will shake the foundations of our democratic system. AND HE DOESN’T CARE!

These are the moves of an individual motivated only by personal power. In his twisted mind he might even delude himself that he will be good for the country. But an uncontrolled leader who has no moral compass or integrity can only be bad for us and massively increases the risk of a full blown fascist state.

History has shown how this can happen all too easily in other countries and many do not recognise how far down that road the UK has already travelled. We have the most centralised power structures of any economically advanced democratic nation and our economic model and laws systematically channels wealth and power away from The Many to The Few.

Millions are working full time but not earning enough to raise their families. Big capital is in control. The British people have stood up bravely against a fascist threat in the past. We need to stand up again before it is too late.

Every democrat from every party, those whose loyalty is to our country and our democracy, but have no fixed party allegiance, should be protesting this outrage. We should be together, out on the streets, with our friends and our children.

Andrew Metcalf, Ludlow

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