Merry Christmas from everyone at the Shropshire Star
Merry Christmas to all our readers.
It has been the year when the deadlock was broken.
The three-year political impasse that had put our nation in a straightjacket finally came undone.
And now huge numbers across Shropshire and Mid Wales can look forward to a holiday season – perhaps – without having a daily dose of politics.
We can reflect on the many positives that come with living in our region, we can spend time with loved ones and we can look forward with hope as we begin a new decade.
We can also show kindness to those who are less fortunate than some.
Christmas can be a desperately lonely time for those who have no one, for the elderly and infirm or for those suffering from mental illness.
And so we can each do a little to help others, by checking up on neighbours, being altruistic wherever possible and by showing simple kindness and respect to others.
It is a time where we can also take a short break after a frenetic year.
We can celebrate, while doing so responsibly. We can be aware that the NHS will be under tremendous strain. And we can be positive and thoughtful towards others.
We wish our readers the happiest of Christmases.