Shropshire Star

Star comment: No easy remedies to cost-of-living crisis

The rising cost of energy is starting to dawn on householders who are facing bills of £2,000, £3,000 or even £4,000 per year.


That’s just for starters. Local councils are facing less funding from Government at a time when the cost of services is rising. Cuts are inevitable.

Food prices are being hit by the red tape of Brexit in addition to higher costs of production.

The supply chain continues to creak after the two-year horror show that was Covid. Shipping and freight, energy and fuel, administration and production, all now cost considerably more than they did two years ago.

Add to that the issues surrounding Putin’s War in Ukraine, which has sent the price of wheat spiralling and which has also caused huge problems in global oil and gas prices.

The end result is that food price inflation may rise by up to 15 per cent, just as the cost of a litre of petrol now costs around 165p. This is a torrid time to be a householder, with wage stagnation, different modes of working and prices that continue to soar.

We’ll be paying more in tax from April when the National Insurance rise seeks to cover some of the costs of our NHS and social care.

It’s the perfect storm of less in our wallets coupled with higher costs of living and higher costs to keep the lights on and engines running.

Such issues are out of control for ordinary householders and businesses. All of us will have to make changes, cutting back on unnecessary expenditure.

Such issues are the hangover from Brexit, the uncertainty caused by Putin’s war and the long-term problems caused by Covid. They will not be easily remedied.

Two per cent of drivers don’t think their car needs to be taxed, unlike the rest of us who follow the rules.

They may well be the same people who drive with no insurance. They are putting their lives at risk as well as the lives of others. Their selfishness knows no bounds.

Rules aren’t just there to raise money for the taxman.

They are there to ensure the safety of all those sharing our roads.

It is simply not worth risking your car, a criminal conviction and worse for the sake of a few pounds each year.

Though many people find themselves in a tough spot financially with the cost of living crisis worsening, with oil prices rising and with energy costs beyond imagination, people must not take short cuts.

Insurance and tax must be paid. There are no excuses if you are caught.