Shropshire Star

Star comment: Time to see what kind of king Charles will be

We can be sure that he will be lobbying on issues that he believes are important.

King Charles III and the Queen Consort

We have a new monarch. King Charles III today ends his official period of mourning, but will still need time to grieve following the death of his mother.

For all of the nation’s collective grief, the death of Queen Elizabeth II was, ultimately, a private matter for a family that loved a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.

The King will emerge from reflection to fulfil his duties. He will have a different style to his long-reigning mother, who was a unique figure in history.

Today in the newspaper we look back at his life with a special supplement. His childhood was unhappy. He made errors in love. He eventually found contentment. His life story is not dissimilar to those of so many people, across the UK, who have struggled while enduring the ups and downs that life brings.

King Charles cares passionately about many subjects, not least social issues and climate change.

He knows he will have to step back from active campaigning, but we can be sure that he will be lobbying on issues that he believes are important.

Beyond his official role, there is a relatable story about a man who made many mistakes and became a divorcee. Some might see that as a flaw in his character, but most will recognise themselves in the King.

He, like all of us, has acted in ways we may regret and made some wrong choices along the way. He is human and cares passionately about the country that he now presides over as Head of State. He should be seen to be a King that is approachable, has a good sense of humour, and possesses abundant compassion.

And, like us all, he is prone to the odd tantrum – particularly when his pen doesn’t work.

Television is bad for you – or good for you, depending on your point of view.

Of course both statements can be true. The BBC’s coverage of the Queen’s funeral showed how the medium can bring a country together. It was pitched perfectly.

A report last week said that TV can be good for young children, as long as they are watching the right kind of programmes that are appropriate for their age group. TV can be educational, open our minds and create healthy debate. But, with on-demand channels and binge watching now a trend, it can also have a detrimental impact on both our mental and physical health.

As with most things in life, it is up to us to manage our own behaviour and to moderate that of youngsters who are not empowered to make the best decisions. TV can be a blessing or a curse – the choice is ours.